18 March, 2016

Medically Managed Weight Loss

“Issues surrounding weight are like many other medical problems; much more successfully treated and less complicated if medical assessment and intervention is sought early” – Dr Elizabeth “Libby” Rowe

Do you struggle to lose weight no matter how much you try? You’re not alone – in Australia, over sixty percent of adults are overweight. What’s more, a third of the entire adult population – an incredible five million – are obese. Fad diets and “quick fixes” may provide short-term results but are ultimately, hard to sustain and can have adverse health effects. Take heart – there is help available. Your doctor from mybotoxla.com/ultherapy site can provide you with both the means and support to help you achieve your weight-loss goals.

Some people gain too much weight for eating too much. They are unaware that they already have an eating disorder. So if you have a loved one with an eating disorder, you can help them find an eating disorder treatment facility or get this Monte Nido eating disorder treatment program for all genders in Malibu.

Are you tired of trying diet plans and exercise routines? Then you are in need of some effective weight loss solutions that work on the root cause of your weight gain. Check out a helpful place like Sentrian for some great help options!

Nobody knows your health history better than your GP, nor is there anyone more qualified to help you take control of your weight. Your doctor can offer clinically proven ways to shed those extra kilos. Unlike gimmicky diets, your individualised weight-loss program will be based on scientific evidence, making it easier to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Have a look at the Best trampoline for children and adults that you can get for exercise.

The Airlie Women’s Clinic Weight Loss Program enables you to break the cycle and develop a long term healthy lifestyle. Our weight management consultations are designed for those patients who are interested in weight loss or simply looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle. By using sophisticated Body Composition Scales we gauge our patients’ body fat percentage, muscle mass, bone mass (particularly important for post-menopausal women), visceral fat, Body Mass Index (BMI) and overall weight. Dietary supplements like Alpilean can also play a vital role in a healthy lifestyle, we suggest reading these recent customer reviews on Alpilean to get more information about the brand.

Your doctor will prepare an individually tailored plan for you that will be closely monitored throughout the course of the treatment. The plan typically comprises of dietary, exercise/physical and psychological strategies to aid in your weight loss. Depending on the individual, referrals to other relevant medical professionals (hormone specialists, bariatric surgeons) and allied health workers (exercise physiologists, dieticians, psychologists) may also be organised Medication may also be prescribed to assist those to respond to a weight-reducing diet and exercise regimen. Importantly the entire program is managed by the doctor in conjunction with your goals and overall medical management.

If you’re tired of making all those excuses and are now looking to take charge of your weight and establish new, healthier habits, phone Airlie Women’s Clinic to arrange a consultation. Dropping even a small amount of weight can reduce your risk of heart attack, cancer, stroke, dementia and many more diseases.  A medically managed weight management program is a holistic approach that will look at all aspects of your wellbeing. You can also consider using progesterone creame for weight loss. Doctors are familiar with all the strategies including dealing with the underlying cause. Just think, taking that first step onto the doctor’s scales may be the beginning of your weight loss journey. You may also try to lose weight with an appetite stimulant supplements, just make sure to look for a brand that uses safe and effective ingredients.